Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The Inferno: Blog 1, Topic 3

Choose one circle that Dante visits in Upper Hell and carefully analyze how the punishment of the sinners embodies the law of contrapasso. To develop this topic to the proper degree, you will need to very closely analyze specific language and imagery utilized in this circle. Make sure to consider the description of the circle itself, the way the sin is described, and the way the punishment is described. What does Dante seem to be asserting about this sin specifically through the punishment he chooses?

Circle 1: Limbo, The Virtuous Pagans and Unbaptized Children
      The law of contrapasso is a symbolic retribution. A symbolic retribution means that one must pay for a transgression with a punishment of the same nature; the sin itself becomes the punishment. The virtuous pagans were born before Christ and they can never go to heaven. Therefore, no Christ in life means no Christ in death.
      The unbaptized children were people who were never baptized in life and did not accept Christ. Virgil explains to Dante he belongs to this circle and that the souls in circle one are "sinless. And still their merits fail, for they lacked Baptism's grace...their birth fell before the age of the Christian mysteries, and so they did not worship God's trinity in fullest duty. I am one of these" (28). This is saying that these souls are technically sinless because it wasn't their fault that they were born before God.
      The better side to limbo is that their punishment is not as bad as the other circles in the upper level of Hell. These souls have no hope, "For such defects are we lost, though spared the fire and suffering Hell in one affliction only: that without hope we live on in desire" (28). The souls aren't suffering pain, just hopelessness. These souls aren't suffering, they are just sad. When Dante came upon them, he observed, "No tortured wailing rose to greet us here but sounds of sighing rose from every side, sending a tremor through the timeless air, a grief breathed out of untormented sadness" (27). These souls aren't being tortured, just sad that they are stuck in this circle of Hell forever and they can't get out. Dante has pity for these souls and can't believe they are in Hell for something that was out of their control, "The pain of these below us here, drains the color from my face for pity...I thought how many worthy souls were suspended in that Limbo, and a weight closed on my heart for what the noblest suffer (27-28). Dante refers to these souls as "worthy souls" meaning that these souls have not sinned and they are worthy of going to Heaven.
       Although these souls are in Hell, their punishment is not harsh, "The signature of honor they left on earth is recognized in Heaven and wins them ease in Hell out of God's favor" (29). God recognizes that it's not their fault that they were born before Christ, and even though they cannot go to Heaven, he grants them ease in Hell. This part of Hell is lush and pleasant, "we reached the base of a great Citadel circled by seven towering battlements and by a sweet brook flowing round them all...came to a green meadow blooming around" (30). These souls are lucky that they get to spend the rest of eternity in Hell in a nice meadow, as opposed to the torture that goes on in the rest of Hell. The unfortunate virtuous pagans and unbaptized children are in limbo forever due to not believing in Christ and not getting baptized.

Explanation of song:
I chose this song, Non Believer because in the chorus he is asking "Do you take the non believers?" In circle one, Limbo, the virtuous pagans and the unbaptized children did not accept Christ. Therefore, no Christ in life means no Christ in death. In this circle, we find out that God doesn't let you go to Heaven if you don't believe in him so it answers the question to this song. "Do you take the non believers?" The answer is no, God does not accept you if you don't accept him.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Gabby - this post would rank in the low B/high C range of our rubric. Your main struggle is with structure; these posts are like short essays and thus should not be a "blob" - you need clear paragraphs with good strong topic sentence claims. Also - you do not address the "so what" of this topic like we talked about in class today. This is mostly summary here but what is Dante asserting about this sin by making their punishment less harsh? I am happy to review more with you in person before you write your next post.
